Wednesday, June 1, 2011

#cbph (Compassion Bloggers Philippines)

So, the Compassion Bloggers are in the Philippines! Well, they have been for a couple of days, but I've been away from the blog for what seems like forevs now! [It's only been 4 days!]

So anyways, to follow them along their life-changing journey, head over HERE! (No, seriously, GO!) You'll have to scroll down a bit to see their blogs, but they're there and they're touching. Like, tears touching.

Top 3 things that are way too touching not to share:

1. Some mothers don't name their child, play with their child, look their child in the eye in the first year because they know the chances of their child dying in that first year is high. Compassion's Child Survival Program gives these mothers hope.

2. Look at this house. You know a king sized bed? That's how much floor space is in this house. You know your bathroom? I'll bet it's as big or bigger than this house. And you thought your house was too small. Or rather, smaller that the Jonses'.

Getting into the house:

Inside the house:

3. So, I imagine you're watching those two videos horrified, going, "How do you live...?" I was too. But imagine adding water. Yeah, that's right. Imagine nine months of the year the floors of your house are a swamp. Imagine the last part of your trip home was a swim through a not-so-great-smelling "river". Imagine... actually, you know what, let me just let Kat tell you, becuase she's seen it with her own eyes. Read all about it here.

Okay, I imagine by now a few tears have fallen. Your heart is aching. "What can I do for these kids?" I'll tell you. Go to your country's Compassion website. If you're Canadian like me, head over to If you're a friendly neighbour just south of me, head over to Compassion is also in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, France, New Zealand, Italy, South Korea, Switzerland and the UK. Head over and sponsor a treasure, a diamond that God created. Give them hope. Sponsor a child from the Philippines. Or, if God isn't calling you to the Philippines, sponsor a child from Haiti. Or Burkina Faso. Or Indonesia. It doesn't matter, really. Just give a child hope.

And, if you can't make the financial commitment at this point in time, consider making a donation to the Unsponsored Children's Fund or the Child Survival Program, which I told you about earlier.

And if you don't have money to give, pray. Pray for the Compassion bloggers and their work in the Philippines this week, pray for the children, pray for their parents, pray for Compassion's work, pray the the poverty cycle ends. And then, thank God for hope.

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