Wednesday, May 30, 2012


"I, well, my brother and I, we sponsor a little girl in Tanzania."

I smile, I take out my wallet, I show them the photo of her sad but oh-so-cute face that's currently halfway around the globe.

They smile. "That's so great!" They say. But it's the kind of smile that doesn't quite reach their eyes; it didn't come from their heart. It's the kind of "That's so great!" that means that's so great, for you. But not for them.

It's the kind of "That's so great!" that was followed by a "But" in their head.

But how does she know her money is actually getting there?

But doesn't she know she's crazy, naive, weird?

But isn't it dangerous, risky?

But... Why?

I know the way my family and I live our lives is not normal. That's kind of my goal in life, really.

I also know people wonder why I live the way I live. Why do I try my hardest to radically love? Why do I spend my time and money on other people? Why do I care if someone I've never met, halfway around the world is starving?

Here's why.

Because it says to do so in the Bible.

"You're not trying to earn your way to heaven, are you?"

No, I'm not.

I don't do it to be saved, I do it because I am saved.

"Do you love me?" Jesus asked Peter.

He was offended; this was the third time Jesus had asked him. "Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you!"

And Jesus' reply: "Feed my lambs." {John 21:15-19}

It is impossible to love Jesus without loving others, it's impossible to truly love others without loving Jesus.

When Jesus was asked what the single greatest commandment was, he couldn't pick just one.

"Love God, love others." {Mark 12:28-31}

It's impossible to do one without the other.

"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." -Jesus {Matthew 25:40}

The questioning stare lingers for a bit after the "That's so great!" and I wish they would just say it: "Why?! Are you crazy? Naive? Stupid? Why?"

So I could tell them.

Because I think hopelessness is sad. Because I've found the solution to hopelessness and I want to share it with as many people as possible. Because I hate injustice. Because everyone deserves enough. Because one day, I want to receive a picture of Happyness with a smile spread across her face, a smile of hope.

And all those reasons boil down to one:

Because I love Jesus, and this gives me a joy that I want - I need - to share with everybody, including the "least of these".


  1. You word it so well! I feel the exact same way! I ask myself " how could they not?". So many people don't understand.He showed us such awesome love how could we not show it to others ? Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. Its exactly how I feel. I am so thankful for these other bloggers (like you) that share the same love/vision with us.

    I linked to you on my blog. Oh and our friend (advocate) Kees is in Bolivia for the summer and he is helping/working at the project that our Erik is at! Isn't that cool!


    1. thanks so much for the link, teena! :)

      so cool that you have that special connection with erik so that you can see more pictures of him and things! :)


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